How to 4 - how to make roman blinds - part 1
When you want to take on a DIY project, our how-to guides are easy to follow and show the best possibly way to approach the job in hand. Today we are taking a look at Roman blinds how to make to show you can make them - you might just find that you can save some pennies in making them yourself too!
Furthermore, you can choose virtually any fabric you like and won't be limited on style. Browse for curtain material and go with the fabric you are most drawn too - it could be a block colour that accents your existing décor or a brave new pattern to liven things up.
- First, you need to gather the following items together that will be used in the making of your Roman blinds: Plastic rings (12mm), wooden batten the same width as the blind (2.5cm), 3 pieces of cord (width of the blind plus the length x2), screw-in eyelets (4), trimming made from buttons, ribbon or similar Roman blind tape (3x length of blind and additional 12cm), self-adhesive hook, sew-on loop fastener (width of batten), wooden dowelling (3cm less than width of blind), fabric for the lining, your chosen blind fabric, thread matching colour of blind fabric, wall cleat and a wooden acorn.
- Install the wooden batten into the recess of the window with the hook fastener going across its front side. Take the measurements of the batten width and the length from the batten to where you wish your blind to end. Add 2.5cm to either end of the width and length which will be used as a hem.
- Place the fabric and fabric lining together and cut out to these measurements. With the lining fabric placed on top of your blind fabric (matching the raw edges), place some pins to secure and then stitch either sides and the bottom to make a 2.5cm seam.
- Take the pins out and stitch another line 6mm in from the bottom's raw edge for the dowel pocket. Measure 5cm in from the top of the blind lining and use a pencil to make a straight line across the full width of the blind.
- Working from this line downwards, you should draw further lines that are equal to each other and somewhere between 20 and 30cm in length - with the final section a half of the measurement (so 10 or 15cm).
- Now you have designed where the pleats will go. This is the first part of our step by step guide to making your own stunning Roman blinds, tomorrow we'll be looking at the final few easy stages...