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How to join curtain tracks to get an extra long track?

You’ve measured your window or bay, you’ve written down the size but now struggle with what size to get? You’ve come to the right place!

Joining two PVC curtain tracks together

If you're choosing a PVC Track such as Swish Sologlyde, Swish Deluxe or Harrison & Drape Standard Drape, you will notice they come in select sizes varying from 120cm up to 250cm. If your window is wider than 250cm, then don’t panic, all our PVC tracks can be joined together. Just purchase two tracks, plus one of our joining splices and your set to go.

Note: The non-standard version of Harrison Drape requires a little more consideration, so see specific instructions below. This is because a joining splice is not available with this track.

How do these PVC joining splices work?

A joining splice is a plastic component that’s sold separately but you can easily find these on our tracks page (they are available to order on our track product page, under all the other size options). Once you have received your tracks and joining splice get ready to build your track.

  • First of all start by cutting down the tracks, only do this step if the tracks are too big for the window. To do this use a metal hacksaw. We highly recommend that you take an equal length off either track, this ensures the joining splice remains centralised on the track.
  • Once your track is ready to be installed we strongly recommend that the centre is supported by a bracket either side. This will prevent the track from collapsing or bowing when the curtains are closed.

Can I join more than two PVC tracks together?

So you have a window bigger than 500cm and you're wondering if you could connect more than 2 tracks to make a bigger sized track? Well there's not exactly a limit to how many tracks you can join together, however some complications can occur:

Firstly, the more connections you have in the track the more it will affect how the track operates and how smoothly the curtains open and close. Secondly, with more than two tracks the joins will become more visible, which could be unsightly.

Nevertheless if you decide to go ahead and connect more than 2 tracks we recommend using the Swish Sologlyde Track. This is because the gliders are a clip on glider and the joins will not affect the curtains drawing. However you will probably notice a slight change in how the curtains draw open or closed, due to the gliders crossing over the joins.

Joining two aluminium curtain tracks together

Things are a little different with our Swish & Fineline Aluminium tracks and Swish Corded tracks. This is because these tracks are already pre-built in large sizes upto 500cm, this means that should you require a track upto 500cm long then you won't have to buy two tracks and put them together yourself. However this does come with some limitations, as over certain sizes these tracks will be provided in two pieces.

At what sizes are aluminium tracks provided as a single track?

For the sizes and track brands below, tracks will be provided as a single track: 

  • Fineline Curtain Tracks -Tracks upto 200cm long will be provided as a single track. 
  • Swish Curtains Tracks - Tracks upto 250cm long will be provided as a single track. 

Note: When choosing a corded track the above sizes for single tracks mean that you will get a left hand control as standard. However, within the fitting instructions there will be instructions on how to change this, if you'd prefer it to be positioned on the right.

At what sizes are aluminium tracks provided in two pieces?

For the sizes and track brands below, tracks will be provided in two pieces: 

  • Fineline Curtain Tracks - Tracks over 200cm long will be provided in two lengths, for example a 250cm will be supplied as two lengths at 125cm each. 
  • Swish Curtain Tracks - Tracks over 250cm long will be provided in two lengths for example, a 300cm track will be supplied as two lengths at 150cm each.

Note: With these tracks and sizes you do not need to purchase a joining splice as these are already included within the packaging. If you have selected a corded track, then you will have a control on either side, one for each curtain. 

How do I use joining splices with the aluminium tracks?

The joining splices are exactly the same as the PVC connectors. If they are not already slotted into the back of the track, we advise slotting them in first before anything else. You can loosen the tightness of the screw so you can adjust the position of the joining splice. Try to keep it as much centralised as possible, this will reduce the track coming apart when operating your curtains.

If you need to cut down the track due to it being too wide for your window size, like stated before you will need to equally trim the length of either side of the track to ensure the joining splices remain centralised. If using one of our Swish corded tracks we recommend removing the ends with the gearing mechanism and moving the cord out of the way to save accidentally cutting it.

After your track has been cut down, and you’ve re-fitted the ends, connect both tracks and screw down the grub screw. This will help to keep the tracks securely together. Again ensure you have a bracket either side of the joining splice to prevent the track from bowing or snapping.

Can I connect more than two tracks using your aluminium tracks to make it longer than 500cm?

So your window unfortunately measures longer than 500cm. I’m afraid all our pre-built tracks are only available up to 500cm. We do not recommend joining more than two tracks together especially if the track is corded, this will prevent the track from operating. Another reason why you should NOT add more joins is due to the roller gliders. They will not glide past the join, you will then end up forcing them and damaging the track even more. If you want a track bigger than 500cm we recommend using our Sologlyde Track and build it using our joining splices. Be advised the operation will not be very smooth but it will work.

Joining two Harrison Drape curtain tracks together

Our Harrison & Drape White Drape Track is a little different than our other tracks. Unfortunately they don’t manufacture a joining splice for these tracks, but there is a simple way to go beyond the maximum track size of 240cm, however it does require the track to be ceiling mounted (top fixed). 

They manufacture tracks up to 240cm in a single length, so the maximum width you could achieve with two tracks would be 480cm. So for windows larger than 240cm then divide the required width by two and then order two tracks that are that size, or slightly larger. For example:

  • Your window is 290cm wide
  • Divide this by two to get 145cm
  • The closest track size (without being too narrow) would be 150cm
  • Order two of these and trim each by 5cm. 

As these tracks don't have a joining splice, you will need to fit these tracks by creating an overlap and under lap. It’s really simple to do but does require the track to be ceiling mounted only (top fixed), simply install one track in front of the other in the centre. This will allow the curtains to overlap each other, providing additional privacy for bedrooms or living rooms. If you can’t top fix or ceiling mount then we would recommend using the Swish Sologlyde PVC Track instead.

In summary

So, can I join two tracks together to make an extra long length? The short and simple answer is yes! However if you require it be more than 500cm we recommend that you use the Swish Sologlyde Track.

Can I join pre-built tracks? Again the answer is yes but you can only join up to 500cm so select the size closest to your window size and then cut it down if needed. If you need a track bigger than 500cm you will need to look at building your own using our Swish Sologlyde Track and joining splice.

How do I join the Harrison Drape White Drape? Since they don’t manufacture a joining splice, you will need to create an overlap and underlap by top fixing or ceiling mounting only.

That’s all there is to need to know about our tracks and how to use our joining splices correctly.

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