De-clutter with cool shoe storage

Make a wall display of your prettiest shoes; you'll find it easier to team them with your outfits too!
Put them in a Ferris Wheel shoe tidy; you'll be able to whiz it around 'til you find the pair you're after.
Have a go at up-cycling plastic pipes by turning them into your own shoe storage mountain.
JD Organizer
Be really organised with these specially designed individual wall mounted shoe storage racks. You'd have to have an awful lot of them if you're like Imelda!
Home Edit
A practical way to store your shoes.
All About You
This neat little shelf has a distinctive masculine feel.
House To Home
If you have them flaunt them! And what better way to do so than in a glass fronted dresser. This has to be one of the best up-cycled projects I've seen in ages.
This pouffe has shoe storage inside – how efficient is that?
The House Decoration
I love the idea of kicking your feet into this shoe rack and leaving your shoes behind – children and teens will love it. There'll be no need for reminders for them to take their shoes off if you had one of these!
Inspiring Home Style
An old rustic ladder or two is ideal for hanging your shoes.
A Pair and A Spare DIY
A step ladder works just as well.
Make your shoe rack a piece of wall art – fine all the wile there's no muddy bottoms!
Room Envy
Convert an old tall boy into a storage cupboard for shoes.