Creative trends with jennifer zuri
Jennifer Zuri is a home and interiors blogger, sharing her DIY projects on her own blog Town and Country Living, based in Chicago, Illinois. She lives in a circa 1875 charming Victorian farm house, that she has been rejuvenating one project, room and piece of furniture at a time. Jennifer has a very fresh and light style, favouring the traditional farm house style, whilst accessorising with modern touches. Jennifer also works at Aquascape, a designer and manufacturer of water feature and gardening supplies, shipping their products all around the world. She manages their social presence, public relations, as well as writing website copy. So we are pleased to share with you the creative trends of Jennifer Zuri.

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1) What pieces of furniture have impressed you recently? And Why?
Painted and repurposed furniture are appealing to me because they show a love for preserving pieces from days gone by. In addition to the elbow grease that goes into refinishing the furniture, there is also an artistic element that expresses creativity and vision. It's the classic story of the ugly duckling becoming a swan. In addition, furniture needs to be comfortable and practical. More modern elements such as sectional sofas pair exceptionally well with painted pieces, creating an ease in everyday living. Finally, free standing pieces provide flexibility because you can easily move them around and instantly change the look of a room without spending a dime.
2) What colours are on trend right now? And Why?
White is always in style because it goes with everything. It also brightens the colors it's paired with and makes them look crisper. I have to smile when people say white isn't a color, because in actuality, white is the reflection of all colors. Other colors currently in style are vivid blues, pastels, neutral gray, and olive green.
3) What types of materials are on trend right now? And Why?
Natural textures are highly popular, including cotton, linen, and bamboo. I think the desire for organic, earthy elements in the home have led to the rise in popularity of these textiles. Cool metals are also on trend right now. They provide an interesting contrast to raw textiles like burlap.
4) Which of your projects embodies the latest design trend? And why?
Most of my projects include some element of the latest design trends, although I don't specifically choose a trend to emulate. For the most part, I let a room or piece of furniture “speak” to me before I touch it. Sometimes I instinctively know what it needs, and other times I need to live with the piece for awhile before my gut tells me what do with it.