Katherine Sheers is a trim and lingerie designer working for her own self-named brand, having worked in London, Sri Lanka, NYC and China. Katherine gets a certain high from the making process, a passion that has been with her since childhood. She is innately drawn to colour, pattern and exquisite fabrics, hence why she loves sewing. Her first book The Secrets of Sewing Lingerie co-authored with Laura Stanford was published recently. So we are proud to bring you the Designer Insights of Katherine Sheers.
Photo Credit: Ali Allen
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1) In your own words describe your unique style and creative aesthetic?
Intricate and feminine, my love of lingerie tends to influence everything I make, including outerwear and home accessories. Silk, lace, blush tones and floral prints all make me very happy.
2) When starting a new project, what is your creative process?
I usually begin with a flash of an idea, so vivid I can't think about anything else. Then I broaden my inspiration with research and start to sketch, sew or write.
3) Out of the creative people you have worked with, who is it that you respect and admire the most?
Any of the creative mums I've had the pleasure of working with over the years. Having recently become a mother myself, I'm in awe of any woman who successfully nurtures her family, herself and her creative output at the same time. It's no mean feat and deserves to be hailed.
4) When looking for inspiration is there a particular thing you do to get inspired?
Inspiration can arrive unexpectedly from any number of sources, but when I want to hunt it down, I either meditate, sketch, travel or head to an exhibition. All work beautifully.
5) What has brought you to this point in your career? And what is your advice for people looking to follow in your footsteps?
An innate love of beauty and making has led me here. Working within the corporate design world taught me a lot, but it also nudged me into redefining my values and appreciating the worth of something handmade. Embrace change, take risks, work hard and be kind.