Anne Wareham is a garden writer at her blog Veddw, where she documents her and her husband's efforts to create the garden at Veddw House. Anne is renowned as an excellent gardener, and has even been a judge on the series ‘Britain’s Best Home and Garden’ on Channel 5. She has also published two books relating to gardening 'The Bad Tempered Gardener' and 'Outwitting Squirrels'. Anne also edits Thinkingardens and writes for the Telegraph, The Garden and the Spectator. So we are proud to bring you the Designer Insights of Anne Wareham.
Image Credit: 1-5) Anne Wareham
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1) In your own words describe your unique style and creative aesthetic?
Modern romantic, sympathetic above all to the place and to paying homage to the history of the site.
2) When starting a new project, what is your creative process?
Spend hours researching for design, plants. Then letting it stew in my mind until the picture emerges. Alcohol helps.
3) Out of the creative people you have worked with, who is it that you respect and admire the most?
My husband, Charles Hawes, the garden photographer. Because we both have great taste, and he has both imagination and a good critical eye. Pity there’s always a row before we get there.
4) When looking for inspiration is there a particular thing you do to get inspired?
Obsess. Bore people with my dilemmas. Immerse myself in the site. It works only because I can’t help it, so I’ve no idea what else I could do.
5) What has brought you to this point in your career? And what is your advice for people looking to follow in your footsteps?
Persistence and conviction. But no-one should follow my example – my troubling opinions and failure to offer paying visitors tea have been a major handicap. Advice? Stay bland, imitative and train to become a proper professional garden designer.