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Notes from a novice: roman blinds

Notes From A Novice - Roman Blinds

For some people, making your own Roman blinds might seems to be a bit intimidating, however our very own Retail Buyer, Natalie, has recently taken up the challenge and make some blinds for her own home. She was kind enough to document her progress to share with you, so without further ado, here is how she got on:

Notes from a Novice

So I haven’t touched a sewing machine since the day I left school. I got a C Grade GCSE in Textiles, thanks to the help and support of my form teacher Mrs Butterworth. Who also happened to be the head of the Home Economics. For my final project I made a waistcoat out of a Bridesmaids dress a local Bridal company were throwing away as it had faded while on display in the window. I did get a great sense of achievement from doing that but for some reason mine and the sewing machines paths had not crossed since! Over the years I have watched a number of my friends set themselves challenges like making bunting and cushion covers as gifts and felt kind of jealous that I wasn't more creative.

Move forward fourteen years to the present day and I have finally given in and brought a sewing machine! You see I started working at Terrys Fabrics a little over seven months ago as the Retail Buyer and being surrounded by all these fantastic fabrics everyday kind of inspires you to look at your home in a different way. I visited our sewing room here at Terrys and was in complete awe at the amazing talent all the ladies in there have.

So I started to ask myself ‘Would I be able to make something for my home?’ I think there is a certain amount of satisfaction to seeing something you have made in your home every day. I know what some people will be thinking at this point, I certainly knew what my husband was thinking – ‘When she decides that she is never going to do this where are we going to store the sewing machine’! But I think if I can just get started on one project and see it through to the end I can push myself on to the next level!

Don't get me wrong this does just sound like I am having a Kirstie Allsopp moment but bear with me! I didn't want to spend a great deal of money, as this could be a complete fabric disaster so I brought a roll end of Sail Stripe curtain fabric in Mineral, two metres of polycotton lining and a Roman Blind kit for just over £30.

Sewing Roman Blinds

Progress wasn't as challenging as I expected. It has taken four weeks for me to really get started on making a Roman Blind for my little box bedroom but last night I finally got the fabric to the sewing machine! I had cut everything to size a couple of weeks back but there is something final about starting to stitch everything together. When I got home last night it all seemed to come together.

My side seams are stitched, Velcro is attached to the top and the pocket for the bottom bar is done! I have even pinned the channels for the rods and draw string, and all in a couple of hours. Not only did I surprise myself but my husband could not hide his shock that the sewing machine was not only out of the box... it was being used! He thought the next time he would see it was when I was asking him to photograph it to sell on eBay!

Making the Roman Blinds

Photos were taken as proof! So I am well on my way, fingers crossed it should be finished soon. Natalie. There will be an update from Natalie and her little project with the Roman blinds within a few days. All indications are that they are coming along well and we will keep you posted. Does this make you want to break out the sewing machine? Perhaps you've been looking for inspiration to make your own Roman blinds? Let us know your comments below.

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